Gandhi movie review

I enjoyed the Ghandi movie and thought it was very interesting. I love how throughout the movie they show his struggles and journey throughout his life. He face all of hardships, but never quit. His main goal was so strive for peace in the community and encouraged people around him to live a peaceful life. One situation that I found horrific and interesting at the same time was when Ghandi was thrown off the South African plane because he was indian, although he had a first-class ticket. That situation was very eye opening and Ghandi knew things needed to be changed.

Source: Gandhi movie review

Megan Project: The Cross

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April 27th at 5:00am I left on a road trip to Tallahassee with my family for my sisters graduation, as soon as we got to Tallahassee we quickly began to pack her things up little by little that Wednesday night. As I continued to help my mom pack her things up and move them to the car, I noticed the cross hung up on her wall, it was the only thing left in the room along with a little other things. This really stuck out to me because at Florida State University my sister is really involved in her church and the bible club, I know her keeping it on the wall for the whole 4 years of college meant a lot to her. It signified that coming to college and seeing how stressful it was made her start a relationship with God, and she knew she needed him by her side. I chose this picture because I see how much it meant to her and it made me realize how fast these years flew by and she said she wouldn’t of gotten through her college years without him by her side, as sisters Samantha telling me her story brought us a lot closer in that short amount of time we were packing up things and moving back home we’ll have a stronger relationship.